Saving Up For Your Child\’S College Education

Saving Up For Your Child\’s College Education


Jim Cantrell

Saving up for your child\’s college education is very important. If your child attends college, he will be more educated and have a better chance at getting a good job. It is best to start saving as early as possible to make sure you have enough money for him when he is ready to start college. Whether your child gets a bachelor of arts or bachelor of business degree, college costs are expensive. The cost of college is going to get even more expensive in a few years. Here are some tips for saving for your child\’s college education.

Encourage Your Child to be Part of the Saving Process

It\’s important to encourage your child to help save for her future. It will make her appreciate things more and help her know the value of a dollar. Have her save part of her allowance, money she receives from her birthday or what she earns at a garage sale. Tell her that it might be more fun to spend the money right now, but it will be worth it to save it for her future.


Open a Prepaid Tuition Plan

The prepaid tuition plan is another popular way to pay for college. With this plan, you are able to lock in your child\’s college tuition at today\’s prices. If you decide to go with this plan, you can only use it at the colleges in your state.

Start Up a College Savings Account

Consider starting up a college savings account for your child at a local bank. Contribute what you can to it every month and watch it grow over the years. If you are having trouble meeting your savings goal, think about picking up an extra job on weekends.

Government grants and scholarships are another way to finance your child\’s college education. Many students benefit the most from using a combination of these types of programs along with a careful budget in order to graduate from college with a good financial standing. Knowing what is available and how to apply, can ensure that financing a btight college education is available for your child.

If you are unable to cover the entire cost of your child\’s tuition, don\’t feel bad. It\’s important to save for your retirement first because you can\’t take out a loan on that. Your child will appreciate any amount of money you save for her college tuition.

Jim Cantrell is a lifestyle blogger who blogs on a wide variety of topics including geekery, technology and education. His style of writing is ecclectic and varied. If you\’re a student looking for a degree in college, visit

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