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- Woof Well
We just adore our pets, don’t we?in any case, we consider them almostour youngsters. We doour greatestto staythem happy, we cherish and takeexcellent careof them. However, constant busyness sometimes leaves us no timeto finishthe onlytasks! Among them is buyingcat chowor, say, walking the dog. As a result, we feel guilty and regret thatthere’sno magic wand, at the wave of whicha minimum ofa number ofthese troubles would disappear…
What are On-Demand Dog Walking Apps? We’re talkinga fewmobile applicationthat permitsdog ownersto rentexperienced and reliable walkers in minutes and at any time.onthe walkers themselves, they getan opportunityto seek outmore clients and thereby increase their earnings. What problem does the app solve? Actually, there are 2 basicsorts ofdog walking app solutions to the above problem: Main business support.does onehave your own pet-walking / pet care agency? Thenyou ought todevelop a pet walking applicationto supplyyour customers additional services and thus make them appreciate and trust you more. History of the Uber-like pet care services It all started with a mobile taxi service that appearedwithin thespring of 2009 inSan Francisco.the thoughtofan inexpensive, always available, easy-to-order taxiclothedto be incredibly popular, and withina couple ofyears,the corporatemanagedto overcomethe markets ofa minimum of80 countriesround theworld. What’s more, by 2014, the so-called Uber for X concept had becomethe ideaof the manyon-demand applications, from house cleaning and food delivery to, of course, dog walking.
How are Uber-like apps different? Uber-like programs, including dog walking apps, give users accessto variedsorts ofoffline services. Aftera replacementorder enters the system, the service provider (be it a taxi driver, courier or dog sitter) receives a notification and isliberal toaccept it if he wants. It is also assumed that there are several functional panels, each of whichis concentratedona selecteduser group: service customers, service providers, and, in some cases, couriers (say, when itinvolvesdelivery from restaurants).
What about payment? Surely, the user must have multiple payment methods, both in cashand thruthe app.onthe timing of payment, it’s up to you. Choose the conceptyou think thatis best. Reasons for Developing an On-Demand Dog Walking App In recent years, there has beena livelytrend towardsa risewithin thenumber of pets in American and European households. The marketis consistentlygrowing. Benefits of on-demand dog walking services Saving timeand energy. As we’ve just explained to you, the platform for dog walkersmay be agood wayto simplify your daily chores and savesome time(without harming the pet). Search for clients. Dog sitters use theseapps to seek outnew customersand obtainmore walking orders. Company image. Pet care and dog walking businesses alsoenjoythese apps by increasingthe extentof servicesthey supply.additionally, an on-demand platformmay be agood extra income (if you approachthe difficultyof monetization correctly). Basic Features for a Dog Walking App As you already know,you would liketo makeseveral functional panels with different sets of features. Let’s discussallin great detail. Besides,you would liketo supplyfeatures designedto assistthe user findthe properdog sitter. Supplement theprogramwith filter and sorting systemsin order thatthe pet owner could clarify his wishes (supposehe’scurious aboutwalking the dog with training). And, of course, the profileof everycandidate must be open for viewing The search is followed by booking a dog walker for one or several sessions (with time specificationemploying acalendar feature).
Dog Walker’s features Now let’smentiona functional platform for dog walker app. What opportunities should it provide to them? Naturally, it all starts,once more, with the registration processand therefore thecreation ofa privateprofile. Find new peoples within park area who already are there with dogs. Then user can make call, chat message area. Dogs fitness budle.
Challenges in creating an on-demand dog walking appForbidden Territories and Cleanliness. Firstly, there are placesduring whichdog walking is prohibited: parks, the territory of hospitals, kindergartens, schools. Secondly, to avoid complaints from others, one shouldpack upafter the dog. Of course, owners of on-demand dog walking companies cannot control thecritter sitter, butthey’lldescribethe principlesof conductthat everyuser must familiarize himself with (and tick the “I agree” box). Protection of pet owners, or rather their dogs. What problems can arise while walking the dog? There are many options, actually! An animal can picka far offobject up offthe bottomand eat it, attack a passer-by, feel bad… you never know!and therefore thecritter sittermust beready tocorrectlyanswerevery situation. Well-known dog walking businesses usethe subsequentways to avoid unpleasant consequences: Best On-Demand Dog Walking Apps Are youable todiscuss your competitors? Perhaps their examples will inspire your own ideas. 1- Buddy To Body! The Wag! applicationis extremelypopularwithin theUSA.this is oftenone amongthe foremoststriking and impressive dog walking app examples. It connects dog owners with professional walkers who areable tohelp with pet care as well as helpful for meet new people/friends. After this they can make a date. Actually that is chitchat and fitness app also.
Pet owners. These users get access tothe simplestservices of trusted walkers. Moreover, the owner can track his pet from a distance using GPS navigation and communicate with the sitter through a mobile chat. And atthe topof the walk, he’ll receivean in-depthreport on the walk. There is alsoa chanceof booking a dog walker fora particularperiod, whichis particularlyimportant if the pet ownergoesto be away. Dog walkers. Pet sitters, being B2B! users,even havetonsof great features. Among other things,they’rewelcome to manage their booking schedule, select their preferred orders, and earna minimum of$ 25 per hour. How to get a dog walking app at B2B When developing an on-demand dog walking app like buddytobody !, That is available at google play store and apple store as well. That is best one app in fitness and dogs market which is easy to use and user friendly with different functionalities like dogs track system, chitchat with new friends within area and fitness as well.